Prisoner Reentry Program


Prisoner Reentry Program


Each year, more than 700,000 people are released from state and Federal prison, while another 9 million cycle through local jails.  Statistics indicate that more than two-thirds of state prisoners are rearrested within three years of their release and half are re-incarcerated.  High rates of recidivism mean more crime, more victims, and more pressure on an already overburdened criminal justice system.

The majority of ex-prisoners have not completed high school.  In addition, close to three quarters of them have a history of substance abuse, and more than one third have a physical or mental disability.

Almost all of them will eventually be released, and, unless something changes, more than half of them will not be successful in reentering their communities and will return to prison.

The prospect of having to search for meaningful work upon release from prison can be an overwhelming one, particularly for inmates who have been out of the labor market for a number of years. Many inmates acquire valuable skills, work experience and vocational training opportunities. But inmates nearing release in today's society need to learn marketable skills, or perhaps for the first time learn, how to effectively "search for a job."

GH Mission’s Prisoner Reentry Program’s mission is to protect society and reduce crime by preparing inmates for successful reentry through basic life skills and job interview training. Our program assists ex-offenders with acquiring viable job skills so that they can one day become law-abiding, contributing members of society, making communities safer and saving taxpayer dollars by lowering the direct and collateral costs of incarceration.

GH Mission recognizes the importance of offender reentry as a critical tool in breaking the cycle of drug use and crime, and improving the public health and public safety of our communities. 



Our prison reentry program includes:




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