Financial Literacy

GH Mission adult financial literacy presentations are interactive and engaging. The lesson plans are designed to motivate participants to take positive action toward improving their financial situation. The adult personal finance curriculum uses practical, hands-on learning to the participants reap the benefits of improving their financial situation.

Today, the economic conditions have many people concerned about their current finances. Many are experiencing problem with their monetary situation that can range from debt, retirement shortfalls, and foreclosures to added fees from late payments. The bottom line is that the vast majority of adults where never giving a practical financial education and it is taking a toll on people across the country.

Financial issues not only impact one finances, it plays a major role in stress, relationship problems, unhealthy coping behavior (alcohol, drugs, etc.) and lowers one’s self confidence. This stress often as spills over into the time spent with friends, family and the workplace.

GH Misson's adult financial literacy programs are specifically designed for individuals with a variety of financial goals, including retirement planning, financial recovery, debt elimination, estate planning, insurance, and home ownership. These programs can accommodate most scheduling requirements and have been delivered through community centers, schools, nonprofit groups, religious organizations, and employers.




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